Do You Know Where Your Website Is?

A reoccurring problem that we seem to address frequency is the lack of control client’s have over their web properties. Because it can be very confusing, companies will want their web developer or SEO provider to take care of everything.

While it’s important that your online marketing company is responsive and proactive, the client should take some responsibility or at least have all of the relevant information for their website. Here are a few basic tips that will help you to have better control of your web properties.

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Why You Should Consider YouTube Marketing

Here’s the biggest number: in March 2014, people viewed 29 billion online video ads. These numbers all come from a recent study by Pixability. They really convey the enormous size of YouTube’s reach. There are two approaches to using YouTube in your marketing, and they both involve producing your own video content.

First Approach

The first approach is to use SEO and your social media accounts to organically promote your videos. The second is to buy advertising views from YouTube. These approaches are certainly not mutually exclusive, and in fact they complement each other well.

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How Google’s Pigeon Update Affects SEO For Local Businesses

Google’s Pigeon update was implemented in July. Its aim is to improve the results page for local searches. Piegeon applies many of Google’s traditional web search algorithms to local searches. Google has stated that Pigeon focuses on backlinks and the location of both the searcher and the relevant businesses.

In addition to what Google has publicly acknowledged, it is clear that Pigeon emphasizes a few things. This includes brand, quality content (particularly images and video), and Yelp. With these elements in mind, here are a few steps you can take to make sure you’re optimized for Pigeon.

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As Mobile Use Continues to Grow, Is Your Business Adapting?

On average, people are spending nearly three hours a day on their mobile smartphones and tablets. Searches make up a large portion of people’s activity on those devices.

Mobile Device Study

According to a recent study by Flurry, people spend 14% of their time on mobile devices searching or looking at websites. That’s a significant amount of time. This is why it’s important that you have good mobile version of your website.

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Instagram Can Provide The Content You Need

So once you have an Instagram account, you need to determine how to best use it to promote your business. One approach is to photograph your products or services.

If you’re a restaurant, bar, or cafe, Instagram is a terrific place to share pictures of your food and drinks. If your business deals with travel, be sure to highlight the beautiful locales or fascinating experiences you offer. And getting the right picture makes all the difference.

BSG can edit your existing photographs to make them as appealing as possible, and our professional video- and photographers can create new ones that will really make your business shine.

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Can You Improve Your SEO With Social Media?

Traditionally, search engines crawled the web and took note of all the backlinks to different websites. They used those backlinks to help determine which sites were most popular and relevant to searchers. Over time, the big search engines have refined their algorithms to remove spam and to make their results more relevant.

Backlinks have been de-emphasized, and now there are a number of factors that go into determining search results. Search engines favor sites that receive links organically, and sites that feature fresh content that interests people. It’s not a coincidence that this content is also what does well on social media.

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A Properly Designed Landing Page Will Keep Customers Interested

Landing pages aren’t a new thing, but they have become increasingly important. As new web platforms like social media sites have emerged, a great deal of the content you produce is no longer on your website.

Landing Pages

At the same time, it is still vitally important to get potential customers to your site to learn about what you have to offer and to make purchases. Businesses have responded to these developments by using landing pages, particularly ones that highlight the types of content they use in their advertising.

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Parallax Scrolling Can Really Set Your Website Apart

Parallax scrolling is often combined with what’s called an infinite scroll. Infinite scrolling means that you keep most or even all of your website’s content on a single page in order to keep drawing people further down your webpage. These features work well together and can help create an immersive experience for your website. There are a few things to consider when you’re deciding whether parallax scrolling is the right look for your website.

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