Ready for Christmas? Amazon Is!

Before you start reading, the question to ask youself all through this is: Where is my business in this equation?

According to market research firms, online sales this holiday season — defined as November and December — will hit $94.7 billion this year, or a record 10.7 percent of total projected holiday sales of $884.5 billion.

And of that $95 billion in cyber sales, Amazon is expected to claim more than a 25% chunk. Yes, one of every four sales will be via Amazon. Continue reading “Ready for Christmas? Amazon Is!”

Perception – It Happens Faster Than Ever!

By the time it took you to read the title of this article a potential customer has clicked into your site, scanned it instantaneously and has determined if they want to continue or move on. Yes, that quick. Did you capture their continued interest or not?

As a speaker and writer, I’m becoming more and more fascinated with the concept of “perception.” After all, in today’s distracted and disrupted world, our perception of everything happens faster and faster. In fact, one study indicates that when we meet someone for the first time, we actually decide within the first 4-8 seconds what we think of that person. With a web page, that decision shrinks to 3 seconds. Now, scientists are looking at how quickly we make decisions, and a particular project focused on discovering how our brains combine sensory impressions with memory and emotion to form judgments. Continue reading “Perception – It Happens Faster Than Ever!”

Overcoming Your Top Fears

How To Overcome Top Fears

What are you afraid of? No, not you personally, but your business. You may not be a wimp, but the truth is, everyone is afraid of something. In business, especially today, chances are when you get to the root of your fear, you start discovering what’s holding you and your business back. It doesn’t matter if you’re rich, poor, successful, unsuccessful, famous or not famous, fear is a problem for everyone. The five greatest fears of professional business people are: Continue reading “Overcoming Your Top Fears”

Pursuing Growth

Here at BSG we see firsthand how effectively a business committed to continual growth produces results beyond wildest imaginings. Because we’ve seen the power of growth, BSG is always fired up to share the principles and practices that will help people make it a habit. That’s the “how to” of growth. But before anyone is ready to learn the “how” of growth, they need to embrace the “why.” Continue reading “Pursuing Growth”

What’s Your Line?

What’s Your Line?

When you read the following list, it will not only rush back memories, these words will remain with you for a very long time. As a wordsmith, my avocation is to craft phrases that motivate, inspire, promote and provoke thought, and call the reader to action. Continue reading “What’s Your Line?”

What is Google?

In 2006 both the Oxford English and Merriam-Webster dictionaries added the verb “google” to their pages. Though Google itself resists the public’s broad use of the term to dissuade them from genericizing its trademark, it’s difficult to believe the company didn’t feel just a touch of pride. After all, it achieved this landmark less than a decade after was first registered as a domain.

Continue reading “What is Google?”

What Happens during a Google Search?

According to NetCraft, there are about 189 million active websites on the internet today. Google estimates that this number breaks down into 60 trillion individual pages, a number that is constantly growing. In navigating through the internet’s many articles, images and videos, Larry Page, co-founder and CEO of Google, describes the perfect search engine as one that “understands exactly what you mean and gives you exactly what you want.” Therefore, Google’s stated goal “is to make it as easy as possible for you to find the information you need” in this great sea of data “and get the things you need to do done.”

Contrary to popular belief, Google does not search the naked web. Rather, Google searches its own index of the web. Drawing from its internal database is what allows the engine to pull such accurate and extensive answers to search queries.

google search equation

In this section we will discuss what happens when a user queries Google and how Google delivers the results that it does.

1) A Request is Typed into the Query Box
Whether you’re searching “Panda cams” or “How do I fix a broken heart,” the process is the same. Over the years Google has become much more sophisticated in what queries it recognizes. Today, Google Instant will begin to auto-complete your query as soon as it gets enough letters, providing suggestions based on what you’ve searched before and the popularity of searches by other users across the web.

2) The Search Begins
This is where Google’s algorithm kicks in. We’ll discuss PageRank in more detail in the next section; for now we’ll say that the algorithm is a set of instructions for Google’s computers, informing them how to do their job – that job being to find what you’re looking for. The keywords in your query are picked out and used to identify relevant pages in Google’s vast index. Google’s 2013 update, Hummingbird, has improved this initial process to also take the query as a whole into account.

3) Combing the Clusters
It is believed that Google owns or leases about 200 data centers all over the planet. The software for Google’s domain-name servers runs on computers in these centers, each forming an incredible cluster of information consuming an equally incredible volume of power. Which of these clusters is combed in relation to your query is an efficient process that takes into account the nearest data center to you as well as which cluster is the least busy at that moment. Google’s web server splits the components of your query across hundreds of machines in the center (potentially thousands) to allow them all to search simultaneously.

4) Indexing
Every relevant entry of Google’s index is compiled while each component of your query is run through an advertisement database. These matches are fed to the web server when the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) is generated. However, if the ad results take longer to pull than the search results, they will not appear on the SERP. Though Google makes no money from searches that do not display ads, the speed of its results takes precedence over advertisements.

5) The SERP
In answer to your query, the web server pulls the data of its thousand or so operations into an organized results page.

This whole process takes less than one second.

Find Out how to increase your SEO click Google Search Equation Help

How Does PageRank Work?

This is the meat and potatoes of Google search, a question search engine optimizers have been trying to answer for years. While it is generally understood how Google’s patented PageRank algorithm generates an SERP, the specifics remain as secret as Coke’s magic formula or the Colonel’s Kentucky Fried recipe. To hear Google tell it, this is to prevent both white and black hats from gaming the system. But though the finer points of PageRank remain mysterious, there is enough information available to construct a reliable guide to what attracts the algorithm’s fancy.

As previously stated, Google does not pull its results from the internet proper but instead from its own vast index. It compiles this index by crawling the web with software programs called “crawlers” or, more whimsically, “spiders.” These programs build a map of the internet based on the web of links that exists between internet pages. The spiders follow links from page to page, multiplying as the links and pages multiply. Years ago, when this process became general knowledge, black hat SEOs and spammers would create giant link farms that looped a few websites back and forth to each other. Google’s algorithm is now much more sophisticated and will actively demote link farms and link wheels to the bottom of its SERPs, or ban them outright (we’ll get more into bad SEO practices and spam in the next section).

As links are the essential component to how Google compiles its index, they have a lot of bearing on how it pulls its search results. It should be noted however that Google’s constant updates have given more and less weight to many other factors, a source of frustration and oftentimes panic in the SEO world. But as we’ll learn shortly, the major tenets of SEO have remained virtually unchanged.

So how does Google decide what are the best pages to display in response to a user query? According to Matt Cutts, currently head of Google’s Webspam team, Google asks some questions of its own. These questions are based on the keywords in a given query, and include:

  • Do these keywords appear in the title of a webpage?
  • Do they appear in the URL?
  • Are the keywords close to each other?
  • Does a page contain known synonyms for the keywords?
  • Most importantly) is the page containing the relevant terms from a quality website or is it from a spammy, or untrusted, site?

Links to and from a page are counted, as well as a page’s popularity (how often it is visited and clicked on). Other factors influencing the SERP are the safesearch filter, a user’s preferences and the “freshness” of pulled content. Content is considered fresh if it is new and original to the site being searched.

As you’ve probably guessed, keywords are the magic ingredient here. Indeed, trustworthy links and matching keywords are the two most important factors in building a quality site that Google trusts. But as should come as no surprise, spammers took this idea and ran with it. “Keyword stuffing,” the act of jamming as many keywords into a webpage as many times as possible, became a common black hat SEO tactic. Keywords hidden in a site’s pages, the same color as a site’s background, inserted into the code, these generated plenty of false positives in the early days of the algorithm. But as it did with link farms, PageRank has since evolved to distinguish and discard these spam sites.

Today links and keywords still matter, but how they are used is of just as much if not greater importance. For instance, a link from a high ranking web page (such as a trusted news source or business entity) counts for greater weight than a low ranking page. Creating a bunch of shell sites just for the purposes of multiplying one’s links will earn a site nothing more than a spam warning. In the same way, it is not just keywords that matter now. How keywords are used on a page, where they appear and how they are dispersed also contributes to a site’s ranking.

Understandably then, there is a right and a wrong way to use links and keywords. Not always so understandable is what else puts a site at the top of the SERP. There are a few things:

1) How closely a site’s content matches a long-tail keyphrase.
If a keyword is something small like “panda” or “Jiminy Cricket,” it’s easier to search. Long-tail phrases like “don’t take your guns to town” are often broken up into their component parts (“guns,” “town,” etc.). But since those are the lyrics to a Johnny Cash song, the whole phrase will generate results. Google Instant and the 2013 Hummingbird update are meant to improve Google’s ability to match long-tail keyphrases.

2) How fresh and and how frequent a site’s content is.
This has been true since the beginning: Original, quality content is great for boosting your PageRank. The more targeted content that exists on your site, the more varied the keywords and content Google can search through. If you write for even a niche audience, frequently adding to this content will ensure frequent visitors and readers. The more visitors to your site, the higher Google will rank your site. The higher Google ranks your site, the more readers will be able to find your site. Be aware however that the emphasis here is on original material. Sites that scrape content from others or stockpile a bunch of low quality bushwa will be penalized as spam.

3) How popular you are.
No, things haven’t changed much since your high school prom. Simply put, the more people visit your site, the higher your rankings will rise. For a plucky little website just starting in the business this may seem unfair, but remember that Google’s job is to select the most trusted and relevant pages in answer to users’ queries. Established brands have much more recognition and, since Google’s “Vince” update, are actually favored by the search engine. However, even a small business can achieve top rankings in Google by following appropriate SEO tactics, honing in on keyphrases, adding quality content and being recognized for its service.

What about the Ads at the Top of the SERPs?

The links that appear at the top of a Google results page are paid advertisements, which Google highlights in yellow to distinguish them from its organic results. The benefit to these ads is that a business will appear at the top of an SERP whenever a user searches a keyword that business is paying for.

The negative aspect to these ads is two-fold: First, users tend to put more stock in links that appear naturally. GroupM UK and Nielsen conducted a study in June 2011 that encompassed 28 million UK users and 1.4 billion searches. The results were overwhelmingly in favor of organic results, with 94% clicking on organic rather than paid links. The second negative aspect to paid ads is their impermanence. Once the payments stop, the link disappears. Organic search engine optimization that is done professionally and appropriately lasts as long as the SEO is maintained.

Types of Spam

Since the beginning of the internet there have been spammers intent on defrauding users and generally spoiling things for legitimate businesses. Because you may be a legitimate business attempting SEO but unaware of its best practices – or wondering why Google issued you a manual spam penalty – below is a list of spam types as defined by Google.

Pure Spam – A term for sites that repeatedly or blatantly violate Google’s webmaster guidelines. This is the worst of the worst: auto-generated gobbledygook, content scraping, link farming, cloaking, malware, etc.

Cloaking – This is when a site presents different content to a search spider than to a user. Google will interpret it as a safe site, but when the user clicks on the link they are sent to a spam wasteland.

Hidden Text, Keyword Stuffing – See How Does PageRank Work?.

User-Generated Spam – Or, “why you need to put filters on your comments.” Any part of your site that allows user input (forum pages, comments sections, guestbooks and user profiles) is vulnerable to spammers. The best way to combat this is to use spam blocking software in your content management system, and hire a forum moderator.

Thin Content – Low quality pages with little value to site visitors and readers; auto-generated or copied content.

Unnatural Links – Any kind of link manipulation: link wheels, link farms, link schemes, etc. Don’t do it. It’s not worth it.

Hacked Site – You may be all sweetness and light. That hacker that shanghaied your site to display spam content and links? Not so much. Once you’ve cleaned your site and eliminated the hack, inform Google and it will review your site for legitimacy.