Tailoring Your Social Media To Customers On Mobile

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Social media and mobile devices work very well together, especially when it comes to sharing. In fact, users on mobile are twice as likely to share pictures, videos, & other posts when compared to desktop users. And iPhone users are actually three times as likely to share as desktop users. Having your existing customers share your business’s message with their friends is the biggest reason to be on social media. Having your messages designed to engage mobile users will increase your chances of reaching a wider audience.

People on social media, on their mobile devices helps them stay connected. Unlike on a desktop, mobile users aren’t logging in whenever they want to check Facebook. Instead, most mobile users receive push alerts to their smartphone that let them know about new activity. Having your audience see your business’s messages right away is a significant advantage. Push alerts are particularly useful for social media like Foursquare, which provides users with relevant offers based on their location.

However, there is a downside to the fact that people are receiving push alerts. When you have important news or offers to send to people, it can be tempting to post messages on all your social media accounts as quickly as possible. The problem is, if people are following you across multiple social platforms, they will receive alerts for each one. This may be off-putting for many potential customers, so it’s important to spread your messages out over time.

Instead, you should first focus on the platform that best fits your needs. So if you get most of your responses through Facebook, use it first. And you can adjust your message for the other platforms you use. This will let you reach the audience specific to those platforms, while reminding cross-platform users of your message without seeming like spam.

There are two more things to keep in mind when tailoring your social media to mobile users. First is the importance of visual content. Visual content is much more likely to be remembered and shared by potential customers, and it’s what mobile users want to look at. Secondly, have your website is designed for mobile users. Having your web design mobile friendly will retain your customers.

Tailor Social Media Posts

BSG can provide your business with a social media manager who will build relationships and ensure that you connect with your customers across the most important social networks. Contact us today to learn more.

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