Getting the Most Out of YouTube Marketing

One of the major benefits of using YouTube is that it is easy to embed your videos on other sites. Embedding your video directly in your business’s website and social media accounts is a good way to increase your video’s reach. Doing so makes certain that your followers on social media will see your video and perhaps share it themselves. In fact, people are much more likely to share video content than typical posts. This is why your YouTube marketing and social media accounts need to work well together.

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10 Reasons Businesses Die

Perhaps the most common reason businesses fail quickly is that they don’t have enough capital at the beginning. Whether it’s because they started operating before raising enough money or because they underestimated their costs, running out of money is often a death sentence for a business.

Start-up Capital

It’s also important for start-ups to be well prepared for lower revenue in the first couple of years. Overestimating the amount of money coming in is also a frequent cause of money problems.

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How Penguin Has Affected Your Site’s Google Ranking

Google released the first Penguin update to its algorithms in 2012. Penguin aims to improve search results by penalizing sites that benefit from tactics like link bombing and spamdexing. These practices are aimed at increasing a site’s ranking by including numerous links back to the site. They fall under the category of black-hat SEO.

Black-Hat SEO

Black-hat SEO leads people to unrelated or low-quality websites, and often makes users unhappy. Google’s Panda updates also play a role in penalizing websites that post low-quality or unoriginal content.

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Are You Using Facebook Video?

Facebook’s video service has been around since 2007. For a long time, it struggled to gain any real traction with users. However, in the past couple of years, Facebook has seen tremendous growth in its video service. It is now second only to YouTube in terms of views, and it’s still growing. Facebook itself has published statistics that show 94% growth in the number of videos posted in the United States in the past year. In fact, Facebook has revealed that over half of all visitors to the site view at least one video each day.

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Minimalist Web Design Will Give Your Website A Professional Touch

Minimalist web design is a significant trend, because businesses see an advantage in presenting themselves in a straightforward manner. Clean, professional designs quickly convey the site’s message and make it easy for users to find more information or even make purchases.

Minimalist Web Design

A minimalist design can put your business in a position to succeed by emphasizing your strengths and ensuring that people see what you want them to see. Here are a few more reasons to consider making your website’s design more minimalist.

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Interacting With Customers On Social Media

Spreading your business’s message is probably the reason you’re taking part in social media. You want to be able to deliver important news (whether it’s a new service you’re offering or a sale you’re running) to your customers. If you’re treating your Facebook page like any other advertising opportunity, people will quickly lose interest.

Not Like PR

When people are willing to spend their time on social media with your business, it’s because they really want to talk to you. They are certainly not looking for PR speak and form responses. It’s vital that those running your business’s social media accounts respond to people individually, and make them feel like they’re having a conversation. In short, you need to interact with your customers and potential customers.

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Should You Consider Brand Mentions In Your SEO?

The fact that Google is using brand mentions (also called “implied links”) in its algorithms came to light when one of the company’s patents was put online. While actual links direct people to a URL, implied links are a reference to a website without a hyperlink. It’s unclear just how Google is using brand mentions in its algorithms, but the fact that it filed a patent shows that it’s seriously examining how people talk about brands and websites online.

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Card-Based Design Can Highlight Your Content And Promote Sharing

So what exactly is card-based design? Let’s start off with an example you’re surely familiar with: your Facebook feed. In your feed, individual posts are typically presented as distinct rectangles (cards) with options to view comments, like or share the post, and to hide posts you don’t like. Facebook’s cards are designed to highlight photos or videos and to keep the site’s social interactions front and center.

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Using Analytics To Improve Your Video Marketing

There have been quite a few studies that have demonstrated just how compelling videos are to consumers. Eye-tracking studies demonstrate that people are naturally drawn to search results with videos, even more than they’re drawn to the top results. People are more likely to watch through a video than they are to read all the way through an article. So videos not only attract more viewers, they also engage those viewers longer. And you can use analytics to improve your video marketing even further.

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