Focusing On LongTail Keywords Attract Customers Who Are Ready To Spend

The best way to understand longtail keywords is to compare them to short-tail keywords. When potential customers pull up their search engine of choice, sometimes they may search for something in general terms, like restaurants. This is a short-tail keyword. A more detailed search, like vegetarian restaurants in Long Beach, is an example of long-tail keywords.

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Reaching Some Of The Most Sought After Demographics Through LinkedIn

One big reason you ought to consider using LinkedIn is that it keeps growing, so much so that 28% of all Internet users in the United States are now part of the site. In fact, LinkedIn is now used by more adults in the U.S. than Twitter. The platform also boasts some particularly desirable demographics, as it is disproportionately used by those with higher incomes and by college graduates. These groups are appealing to any business. If your business depends on customers with higher incomes, marketing on LinkedIn is a great way to expand your reach.

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Apps Using iBeacon Can Help You Find Customers

iBeacon detects when compatible smartphones and mobile devices are near the iBeacon device. It uses Bluetooth low energy signals that transmit a unique identifier, which enables the mobile device to receive information from apps. Many manufacturers sell iBeacon devices. They’re also relatively cheap compared to other Apple products. And iBeacon can interact with devices that don’t run Apple’s iOS, including Android devices. There are also competing beacons from Motorola and Datzing that offer similar services.

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Do Your Business’s Strengths Shine Through On Your YouTube Videos?

There are a few different ways to approach making a video for your business. Any business would love to make the next big viral video and attract customers that way. Humor is perhaps the common element among many of the most popular videos. So making a funny video is one thing to consider, especially if you and your employees joke around fairly often.

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Six Tips for Social Media

Here are six tips for social media that you need to consider in doing business:

Determine What Social Media Works for Your Business

Many times when businesses take the social media plunge, they feel like they have to be active on every available platform. The end result is that they end up doing none of them well. They would be much better suited choosing a couple of platforms and learning to use those well.

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Striking Background Visuals Can Help Your Website Intrigue Customers

In years past, website designers often frowned upon large background media. Large images and video took time to load, and many users would grow impatient with the loading time and abandon the site.

Times have changed, though. Internet connections are faster than ever, so the time it takes to load those images has been greatly reduced. In addition to that, the improvements provided by HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript make loading images, video, and animations much quicker.

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How Google’s Mobile Friendly Update Is Impacting SEO

One way to better understand the mobile update is to look at it from Google’s perspective. Google has implemented these changes to their algorithm in order to return better results for mobile users. The quality of the results they are returning is very important to Google. While it is the undisputed leader in search, Google does face a number of competitors, especially on mobile searches. Focusing on mobile is particularly important since mobile searches now account for more than half of all the searches performed.

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