Perception – It Happens Faster Than Ever!

By the time it took you to read the title of this article a potential customer has clicked into your site, scanned it instantaneously and has determined if they want to continue or move on. Yes, that quick. Did you capture their continued interest or not?

As a speaker and writer, I’m becoming more and more fascinated with the concept of “perception.” After all, in today’s distracted and disrupted world, our perception of everything happens faster and faster. In fact, one study indicates that when we meet someone for the first time, we actually decide within the first 4-8 seconds what we think of that person. With a web page, that decision shrinks to 3 seconds. Now, scientists are looking at how quickly we make decisions, and a particular project focused on discovering how our brains combine sensory impressions with memory and emotion to form judgments. Continue reading “Perception – It Happens Faster Than Ever!”

Overcoming Your Top Fears

How To Overcome Top Fears

What are you afraid of? No, not you personally, but your business. You may not be a wimp, but the truth is, everyone is afraid of something. In business, especially today, chances are when you get to the root of your fear, you start discovering what’s holding you and your business back. It doesn’t matter if you’re rich, poor, successful, unsuccessful, famous or not famous, fear is a problem for everyone. The five greatest fears of professional business people are: Continue reading “Overcoming Your Top Fears”

Pursuing Growth

Here at BSG we see firsthand how effectively a business committed to continual growth produces results beyond wildest imaginings. Because we’ve seen the power of growth, BSG is always fired up to share the principles and practices that will help people make it a habit. That’s the “how to” of growth. But before anyone is ready to learn the “how” of growth, they need to embrace the “why.” Continue reading “Pursuing Growth”

What’s Your Line?

What’s Your Line?

When you read the following list, it will not only rush back memories, these words will remain with you for a very long time. As a wordsmith, my avocation is to craft phrases that motivate, inspire, promote and provoke thought, and call the reader to action. Continue reading “What’s Your Line?”